Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Watered It

A quick run down on how we got to where we are today:

Started watering a little on warm days in early March.

Mid-March paid a guy to aerate and fertilize. (We usually cover the lawn in peat moss in early spring to capture the water for the new grass growth. Greens it up in no time.) Set up the sprinkler timers.

Mowed for the first time on April 3.

Today, watered it.

Just Water It!

Welcome to Just Water It, a blog launched to answer the question neighbors and drivers-by never fail to ask — how do you keep your lawn so nice?

The answer usually is: Water it.

Living in the high desert of central New Mexico where we get what amounts to basically no rain, lawns do not just take care of themselves. The many who admire our lawn mistakenly believe they do. Or they believe their lawn has a disease, or is the wrong kind of grass, or that their soil was improperly prepared. But what it comes down to is that grass is thirsty.

So while we are not experts, we do have a nice lawn. Here’s a blog for typical busy people who can’t baby their landscaping, but can make an effort — or at least pay their kids to. Follow us this summer to see what we do.